Power Of The Photo

Sunday, March 7, 2021

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. Is there that much depth in photographs? What makes this saying true? What do our eyes see in pictures that they cannot comprehend in words? We believe that, in today’s society, we have evolved leading life through our camera’s lens instead of our lens. 

Today, 81% of Americans own a smartphone. Owning a smartphone is no longer a want, it has become a need. We almost can’t live in today’s world without one. It’s what keeps us connected and updated.  

Just imagine, you’re studying abroad and are distant from your family. You want to show off your new apartment and it’s decor’, just snap a few pictures and text them over. Thanks to the photo, you’ll never lose your mojo and find yourself in a communication pickle ever again. 

We think it’s powerful how, instead of writing a novel on explaining your trip abroad, you can take 30+ photos and your loved ones can relive those moments with you as if they were there. 

Today, there are ways to make money using your smartphone device advancing the need to own one. Join our PICKL posse and make $5 for 5 photos. That sounds like a good return on your investment(your smartphone).  

With great power, comes great responsibility. It’s important to monitor your photos and make sure they always stay in the right hands. Respect other people’s privacy and all will flow in the correct current of the universe. 

Now, getting a glimpse of the power of the photo, you are ready to start snapping. The question is, what pictures will you take? 

Check us out today in the app store!

Happy Pickling 💚

-PICKL Posse

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